2019 Milestones for IT Asset Management Solution, VIZOR
Every January, companies look back on the previous year and evaluate their accomplishments, setbacks, and growth. Although they usually reflect on how they can improve in the future, it’s important to take a step back and highlight the milestones. In our case, we want to share our accomplishments from 2019 with you!
1. Grew the VIZOR Family
In just 12 months, we hit a record number of new customers for VIZOR. Our team has worked hard to better showcase our extensive line of features that were not always easy to spot. As a result, we created blogs, documents and infographics helping identify how VIZOR helps solve your IT problems. I think it’s paid off!
2. New Resources
Over the course of 2019, we created documents to help the decision buying process. Several companies asked us for the benefits, ROI and main features of VIZOR in a PDF format. Those documents can be found in the Documentation area on our website. We’ve received feedback from customers saying that they were helpful in making their decision.
3. ITIL Certification
VIZOR got ITIL certified by Pink Elephant early last year for Asset Management, Incident Management, and Request Fulfilment. We are proud that on an international level VIZOR is one of only 15 products to be certified by Pink for Asset Management. Plus, VIZOR is the first product developed in Canada to achieve Asset Management certification from Pink Elephant. Read the press release here.
4. Chromebook Integration
The VIZOR team worked hard but it’s here and it’s fabulous! With one click VIZOR now imports Chromebook information from G-Suite. The school districts are in love. See how we manage Chromebooks here.
5. Answers Area
Introducing the Frequently Asked Questions area on our website. It’s true. We do get a lot of common questions about our product, pricing and customer service. As a result, we started an FAQ area in the footer of our website so customers can get their questions answered with ease!
What to look forward to?
In the new year, there will be user interface changes for the IT Asset Management solution. Users will manage their assets in a refreshed environment. The perfect way to start 2020! Don’t miss the new release, sign up for the newsletter here.
From the entire VIZOR family, thank you for making 2019 so awesome. We are looking forward to chatting with you in 2020 and making this year even better.
Happy New Year!
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