ISTELive 23 Presentation

Jeff and Dean from VIZOR are presenting “5 Strategies and Tips to Overcome Chromebook 1:1 Challenges” at ISTELive in Philly. If your attending ISTE be sure to checkout their session on Wednesday 28th at 1pm, Location 120BC.

The presentation will address common challenges schools and districts face when managing 1:1 devices and provide five easy-to-implement strategies and tips to overcome them. This session will be a great fit for Superintendents, Chief Technology Officers, Technology Coordinators and Media specialists looking to implement ISTE Systems Designer standards within their District or School. In addition to the presentation content, attendees will be provided with free take home resources to improve the use of their learning technology investments.

Although Jeff and Dean represent VIZOR, their session is not focused on any particular product or solution. All attendees looking to simplify their 1:1 program and maximize their investment in learning technology will benefit from the content and resources provided. However, if you would like to find out more about VIZOR you can arrange to meet the VIZOR team at ISTE using

How to simplify student device management in your school.

Need a Student Device Management Tool?

  • Google Admin Sync
  • Simplify 1:1 Initiatives
  • Track Device Repairs
  • Barcode Check-In/Check-Out

Learn about VIZOR Schedule Demo