School Device management and IT Helpdesk in New York

We are excited to be exhibiting VIZOR for Schools at NYSCATE in Verona, New York! The VIZOR team will be showing off IT asset management and helpdesk features designed to help schools automate device and service management.

Learn about VIZOR

Each year NYSCATE holds an annual statewide conference attended by 1,500 attendees and 150+ exhibitors showcasing exemplary education applications of technology. As a proud sponsor of the NYSCATE conference, VIZOR is excited to share how our IT management solution can help schools manage Chromebooks and other IT assets with ease. VIZOR is a cloud-based platform that allows schools to track and automate management of devices and help desk tickets for IT and facilities. With VIZOR, schools can:

  • Inventory Chromebooks and other devices automatically and accurately
  • Assign devices to students, teachers, and staff members with barcodes
  • IT Help Desk & Facilities Ticket Tracking
  • Manage device repairs, replacements, and warranties
  • Generate reports and dashboards to visualize IT asset data
  • Integrate with Google Admin console and SIS

If you want to learn more about VIZOR and how it can benefit your school or district, schedule a demo with one of our VIZOR experts here. What’s more, NYSCATE attendees qualify for discounted pricing and free K-12 Tech SWAG!.

How to simplify student device management in your school.

Need a School IT Asset and Device Management Solution?

  • Google Admin Sync
  • Simplify 1:1 Initiatives
  • Track Device Repairs
  • Barcode Check-In/Check-Out

Learn about VIZOR Schedule Demo