New Self-service Student / Parent Portal

Parents or Students can now confirm they have received their Chromebook device and accept the usage policy. New Lost or Stolen self-service functionality with automated workflows. Keep Parents and Students informed with new notifications for Returns, Repairs and Charges.

New Chromebook Management Functions

Streamline daily Chromebook administration with automated OU management, the ability to remotely disable lost or stolen Chromebooks and easily identify old Chrome OS versions. Make VIZOR available to Principals and Teachers with new role specific logins.

Over 75 New Features and Improvements

The Berri release includes over 75 new features and improvements including a refined user interface, improved GAC Chromebook data synchronization, the ability to Identify Chromebooks reaching End-of-Support (AUE date) and a new Check in / Check out barcode experience.

New Self-service Student / Parent Portal

Acknowledgement of Receipt

Schools can now ask Parents or Students to confirm the receipt of their Chromebook via a email link and self-service form. The form can also request acceptance of the Schools terms and conditions policy using electronic signing. Administrators can check when the acceptance was made and query for assets that have not been confirmed.

Report Lost or Stolen Device

Parents or Students can report a lost or stolen Chromebook through the new 'Report Lost' self-service interface. To prevent misuse students or parents can only report a device as lost or stolen if it is allocated to them. Then, VIZOR creates a ticket and automatically disables the Chromebook in the Google Admin Console.

New Notifications for Returns, Repairs and Charges

Automatic email students and parents after a Chromebook repair to inform them of a charge, fee, or insurance requirement. VIZOR can also send an escalating series of notifications 7 and 14 days after the return due date if the device is still not returned. Escalation of recipients is configurable and permits use of macros.

New Chromebook Management Functions

GAC OU Management

Automatically set the Organizational Unit (OU) of Chromebooks in the Google Admin Console from VIZOR. Move a Chromebook to a different OU in the GAC with a simple click in VIZOR or as part of a process such as marking a Chromebook as Retired.

Remotely Disable Chromebooks

Remotely disable Chromebooks, preventing unauthorised access, from VIZOR. This can be automatically triggered as part of a process such as reporting a Chromebook as lost or stolen.

School and role specific Logins

Users (Principal, Teachers) from a specific school can be configured to only view devices allocated to their school. There is also a built-in role for technical assistants per school, who can only manage devices at their assigned school.

Track Chromebook Insurance

Many schools require students to get insurance for their chromebook devices. It is now possible to track which students have insurance in VIZOR.

Identify Old Versions of Chrome OS

Use reports and queries to identify devices running outdated versions of Chrome OS. Identify End of Support Chromebooks Efficiently track Chromebook End of support with reminders, queries and reports using data from GAC.

Streamlined Check in / Check out barcode experience

Using the Check In / Check Out view with a barcode reader has been improved. The number of steps or clicks has been reduced by 70%, making it much faster to assign assets.

Over 75 New Features and Improvements

The 'Berri' release consolidates over 75 new features and enhancements delivered in builds,, and

  • Refined User Interface
  • Identify Old Versions of Chrome OS
  • Identify End of Support Chromebooks
  • Mass un-allocation
  • Chromebook Pools
  • Fast New Microsoft ECM (SCCM) Integration
  • Support for multiple Microsoft ECM (SCCM) sources
  • IMAP Email Support
  • Increased Choice List Performance
  • Multi-Delete improvements
  • Improved multiple email address support
  • Faster Business Rule Evaluation
  • New Helpdesk Summary Report
  • Setup, Update and Initial Configuration Improvements
  • IT Asset Acknowledgement of Receipt
  • Self Service Lost or Stolen
  • Streamlined Check in / Check out barcode experience
  • Set Asset Department and Location based on Assignee
  • Device Models and Vendors Automatic Sync
  • Quick Access to Asset Type
  • Asset Model Description
  • More Report Parameters
  • Report Lost or Stolen Device
  • Remotely Disable Chromebooks
  • GAC Chromebook data synchronization
  • Google Account Single-Sign-On
  • Google user synchronization
  • PowerSchool SIS API Integration
  • Track Chromebook Insurance
  • Repair and Charge Notification Email
  • School and role specific Logins
  • Automatic Sync with GAC OUs
  • OU Management from VIZOR
  • OU Assignment Rules
  • OU Status Rules
  • Automatically Retire Deprovisioned Chromebooks in GAC
  • Automatically Deprovisioned Chromebooks retired in VIZOR
  • Automatic Chromebook Allocation
  • Custom Fields
  • Update Audit Timestamp on Device Login
  • Check in / Check out Lunch & Student Number lookup
  • Automatic Allocation of Dependant Assets
  • Automatic Allocation of Assets in Containers
  • Custom required information on Asset Status change
  • New Asset Transit Statuses
  • Default Notifications for Asset Returns
  • Assignee Supervisor Marco Exclusions
  • Purchase and Renewal Alert Improvements
  • Web-based User Import from Excel
  • Web-based School / Location Import from Excel
  • Schedule Report Export
  • New Excel Report Subscription
  • Automatic creation of Organizations, Departments and Locations from Azure
  • Schedule Import and System Tasks
  • Greater control of Email Notification Recipients
  • Logon Page Custom Text
  • Import Performance
  • Detect Old Versions of ChromeOS
  • Synchronize all GAC OUs
  • New End-of-life Query Macros
  • Operating System License Compliance
  • Improved Supervizor and Manager import
  • Easy Removal of Demo Data
  • Increased Search Performance
  • Increased Import Performance
  • Synchronize Google Users
  • Map VIZOR Groups and Categories
  • Allocation of Chromebooks from Google
  • Google Location Synchronization
  • Lost Devices OU
  • Google Annotated Fields Synchronization
  • Automatically set Asset status based on Custom Conditions
  • Configurable User Assets Columns
  • In-context link to User's Assets
  • Microsoft ConfigMgr (ECM/SCCM) Adapter Improvements
  • Vector Discovery Adapter Improvements
  • Improved support for Multiple Tabs
  • Miscellaneous Bug fixes
  • Performance Improvements

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