VIZOR Demo – Starbucks Voucher Terms

See VIZOR in action with a personalized product demonstration of VIZOR. Attend a demo of VIZOR and receive a $10 Starbucks voucher on us.

To qualify for your Starbucks voucher, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Offer limited to first 20 demo registrations
  • Must be a new customer, not open to existing customers.
  • Must be located in the United States
  • Must attend VIZOR demo (you choose time and date within our availability)
  • Your organization must have at least 100 employees
  • Must have a position of responsibility for an IT Asset Management, Software Asset Management or IT Service Desk business functions
  • Must provide a valid phone number and business email address
  • Short phone call prior to the demo to understand your needs may be required
  • Limited to one Starbucks voucher per organization regardless of number of demo attendees

Starbucks voucher for $10 will be provided via email within 10 working days of the demo.

This promotion can be removed at any time at our discretion.